Puppy Meltdown

Normally, because I am up the earliest, the job of letting both puppies out to do their business falls to me.  I don't like it, because I'm half asleep and in a bit of a hurry to get to work, but I don't complain.  Even the other day when I awoke to 38 degree temps and a pouring rain.  I got the pups up, got my boots on, got out the umbrella, put on the heavy coat, and out I went.

Kramer and Charlie get down to business pretty good for puppies, but they have a tendency to prefer playing over going, if you know what I mean, and I was in no mood to put up with that.  I took both out onto the deck, but left one behind while the other did their thing (the deck is closed off so they can't run into the yard, but they are getting big enough to jump over the rail).  With a leash and spinning dog in one hand, and an umbrella in the other, my patience was about at an end by the time I got them both out and taken care of.  It sucked!  It was cold, wet, muddy, and I was wondering why I hadn't chosen this morning to make Perri take care of "her dog".

If you are beginning to feel sorry for me, don't!  Save your sympathy for Tammy, because I would take a week filled with these mornings before trading places with Tammy THIS morning.

I don't know what kind of pious life God thinks Perri and I have been living lately, but he was definitely on our side today.  I had yearly firearms and Defensive Tactics training today, so I got to sleep in an extra hour.  Perri's school delayed start times by 2 hours this morning due to a winter storm so SHE got to sleep in as well.  The only one of the three of us who didn't was Tammy.

Tammy got up around 6:45 this morning to let the dogs out, and what she found when she came downstairs was almost indescribable.   Well, actually, it was very describable, but not without using some choice 4 letter words.  Let me try to paint the scene for you without them.  The picture at the start of this post is not of Kramer, although it might as well be.  Kramer had gotten sick from something overnight and, needless to say, did not make it until the morning.  The puppy in the picture above is covered in mud.   Whatever got Kramer sick was all over him.  He had the runs AND threw up.  The front of him was covered in vomit, and the back of him was covered in....well, not mud.

His nice comfy cedar bed (left - unsoiled), that nearly takes up the entire cage, was covered in crap and vomit as well and Kramer had been laying in it for hours.  Part of what came out from Kramer's "front" made it out of the cage, and much of what came out of Kramer's "back" likewise made it out of the cage and all over the fireplace tile.

To add insult to injury, when Tammy opened the cage to begin the cleanup, Kramer took a running fit....leaving tiny, crappy puppy prints all over the carpeting.

When I finally made it downstairs in the morning, I expected to see Tammy quietly playing ball with "our boys".  Instead, the stench of crap and vomit greeted me, along with a look on Tammy's face that actually made me fear her for the first time.

I helped her clean up what I could, but I had to get a quick breakfast and head off to work, leaving her with most of the mess.  I told her I wouldn't make it home for lunch due to the training and wished her luck.

Thank God I didn't come home for lunch, because as I found out when I finally did make it home, her day had not gotten much better.  Without going in to all the tedious details, after I left:

1) Kramer peed on his bedding stuffing while the cover was in the wash.
2) The zipper on Tammy's coat broke.
3) One of our business headaches sent an email saying they hadn't received our proof of insurance (that we purchased specifically for them and provided proof of last year).
4) Tammy broke a nail.
5) And, as she put it reference to a slowdown in new business, "No one loves us".

There were a few other things that aren't worth mentioning here, but suffice it to say, Tammy was NOT a happy camper.

The great thing about puppies, though, is they continue to be cute and it's hard to stay mad for long.  Even as I write this I can hear Tammy downstairs playing with the dogs, throwing the balls for them, and laughing.  Maybe this day will have a happy ending after all.


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